Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Brunch #PampersFirsts

Today I was invited to a Sunday brunch with fellow blogger Independentmami.
She hosted us with yummy breakfast while all the mommies talked about their babies firsts from first kicks in the belly to first steps and all that comes in between!
We watched a tear jerking video about A Newborn Journey Of Firsts
and was quickly reminded of many of my babies firsts.
My babies are so dear to me, no matter how big they'll get they will always be my babies! Always!
I held them first, I kissed them first, they are my all.
I knew I loved them from the moment I heard their heartbeat.
I remember both their first giggles, first steps, their first words.
My heart is full of love for them, no words can explain that.
A mothers love goes unmeasured.
Thanks to Pampers for sponsoring this event!
and thanks for the goodies for my baby!
-Unconventional Maria