Saturday, May 25, 2013

★DIY Craft★

Ok so I'm in love with chalkboard paint!
Once again I was inspired by Pinterest!
We picked up our chalkboard paint up at Home depot. I went into the store with he thought of making my own paint at home using directions i found on Pinterest, but i was side-tracked by my bubby saying that i should just try the spray can kind. He asked how many things am i really going to paint around the house? Mmmm.... well in my case, he was right! We have only spray painted these boxes and its not even half way gone!  
So i was happy he changed my mind.
Maybe next time i want to paint in chalkboard, it will be on a wall in our own home :)

We made these boxes for the kids toys. With two boys now oragnizing is a must.
And with being able to label them and write whatever we want is awesome. Its a toy in itself since we can let the kids go wild with the chalk :)
P.S the one on the right wasnt done yet .

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Yummy Crispy Crunchy Cornflake Chicken

So lately my hubby and i have been eating better and trying to lose weight. Our habits are changing and were seeing the difference. Since we're wanting to change our habits I was convinced that I had cook healthier meals, so I turned to :) I have the app on my phone for easy access and Google is always a great reference.

Though I've made it a few times before, I thought I'd post it here since I have friends that are also wanting to lose weight. 

Ok so let's get to it! I was inspired to find something to fill my hubbys taste for crunchy fried chicken, so I found the healthier alternative. 
Cornflakes are crunchy and tasty and now awesome to cook with! We bake them, so even better for our bellies! 

Chicken tenderloins
Grounded Cornflakes w/added seasonings for flavor
1 egg
Some milk

That's all you need! I've read that greek yogurt makes an even healthier alternative for the egg and milk wash.
Wisk the egg with a splash of milk, dip chicken and drip excess.
Cover and press chicken in cornflake and seasoning mix.
Place on a flat dish. I put a little rack so the chicken doesn't get soggy when I take it out.
Bake at 325 for 20 minutes or until chicken has cooked through.

For sides I made lemon rice and green beans.
Lemon rice was yummy!
1 cup of rice
1 cup of water
1 cup of chicken broth 
Juice of one lemon
Zest of one lemon
1tsp lemon pepper seasoning
Some salt to taste as well Mix in sauce pan and bring to a boil, turn to low and let cook until done. The green beans were cooked with olive oil and a bit of butter for taste and fresh chopped garlic with salt and pepper to taste. We cooked it lightly so we wouldn't cook all the nutrients out.

I know not to many people see this blog but hey, if you like it let me know. Or suggestions on the recipe to make it even better, that'd be awesome!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Home Cooked Meal ○Tinga○

Personally i think my mom makes the best tinga. But of course everyone thinks their moms cooking is the best. But my mom doesn't make it or we don't go over as often as my hubby would like. So today my hubby begged for me to take on the challenge of preparing this awesomely delicious spicy meal.

What is tinga?  Well it's a chipotle based Mexican dish that is pretty spicy yet, delicious. It's usually made with chicken but we love the beef.

I've wanted to make it for a long time but, I can't bare to even attempt a family recipe, not be successful and feel crappy for it. So without inviting anyone over, I thought I'd give it a try,  atleast for my hardworking hubby! My family can be a bit judgmental when something just doesn't taste right. So that's why I've been hesitant on cooking family recipes, even just regular Mexican food lol. Well I tried it, and we loved it. It's surprisingly simple and not that hard! Next time I make it I'll have to post the recipe and more pics :)

Our Gardening Project

Dom and I have been growing sunflowers and stargazer lilies for a while now. We're now seeing the fruits of our labor! I find that its a bonding experience with my boy! Not one day goes by that he doesn't forget to water them. Plus he is learning to carry things through the end. What do you do with your kids to create a stronger bond?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mothers Day 2013

I love my Boys! For Mothers Day we didn't do much, but we did make steaks! They were delicious!
I was with my boys and that's all I needed! What are your mothers day traditions?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Julian 5 Months

Oh baby! I fall more and more in love with you! You're silly, not really ticklish, and you love to eat! By 5 1/2 months you sat really well and rolled from back to belly! On 4.15.13 you woke up with pink eye :(

Julians First Easter 2013

We spent it with family at the park, you had fun being outside in the free air :)

Julian Month 4

You grasp things better now. I Always have a bib on you because you slobber so much! You started to soothe yourself to sleep saying aww aahhh.... ♡♥♡♥

Rodeo 2013

Julian's First time and Dominic got to ride more rides than ever since he's older now and taller :)

Valentines Day 2013 Julians 1st

Spreading the love! :)

Julian Month 3

Enzo you are giggling like crazy! For the most part you sleep through the night.  On 2/13/13 almost 3 1/2 months you ate a while bowl if rice cereal,  mixed with peas. You also started to reach for things in front of you. :-D

Julian's First Christmas 2013

You slept most of the night,  but we were with family and you loved being in everyone's arms.