Friday, July 19, 2013

Fitness Friday WOD Dirty 30

So who's pumped?  I'm pumped, are you pumped!? This Dirty 30 WOD will get your heart pumping and your body aching! No weights all you need is yourself. Do it twice and you'll be my hero!

This workout was a pin from Pinterest and I followed it up with a left over Turkey breast, yogurt and of course water. 

What's your fitness motivation? Here are some of mine. 

-My health. I know I'm diabetic and eating healthy and exercise is key. 

-My boys. All 3. They all deserve me at my best and being able to be active is important.

-My sexy. I haven't felt my best after the c-section and I'm holding on to it by a thread. 

Enter the Dirty 30....

10 Exercises, 30 repetitions each 

1. Power Lunge

2. Walking Planks

3. Squat Jumps

4. Push-ups

5. Butterfly Sit-ups

6. Split-jack lunges

7. Plank Jacks + Knee Tuck

8. Skiiers

9. Sumo Squats1

10. Burpees 

Thanks for reading ❣❣❣

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