Thursday, August 15, 2013

Julian on the Daily

Last week was Julians 9 month check up, they checked his weight, his height, well everything that is checked on a usual check up.

We expressed our worries. Of course. We were mainly worried about his asthma. Yes, he has a bit if asthma. It was diagnosed a few months back when we went for a sick visit when we only thought he had a cold and maybe an ear infection. That day he was given an inhaler with a spacer. A spacer helps when kids in our case a baby doesn't know how to properly use an inhaler. He was also given treatments for his nebulizer to help in future coughs.

So prior to this 9 month check up he had been waking up with coughing spasms. Only thing that would calm it down was a breathing treatment on the nebulizer.

We expressed this worry to his doctor, which we love. Dr. Valicek is gretat! So we went through all the possible culprits. The fan is not pointed to him, the temperature is alright, etc.  We're just not sure what it is. Along with coughing he would always had what seemed to be itchy eyes and a frequent runny nose. So she decided, step 1 was and allery medicine, Zertec is our first try at finding out what was going on. If this doesn't work and doesn't get better in a month we will proceed to a stronger inhaler twice a day for the foreseeable future. Its been almost a week and I see little difference in the watery eyes and runny nose but he hasn't woke up with an uncontrollable cough since the visit so for now I'm happy with that. 

She said because we don't know what is causing his lungs to flare up we should stay away from eggs, fish and peanut butter until 15 months. So now we don't only have to wait for him to turn 1 to let him try peanut butter! We have to wait til 15 months. I saw saddened. All I can do is pray that hopefully this goes away.

He weighs 23 lbs and is at an average height.

She told us to start putting his formula in sippy cups to start weaning him off the bottle.

Thanks for reading.
How was your baby’s last check up?

With love Momandchild...

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