I am so happy to say that I finally completed my first 5k. I didn't do it alone either, I had 2 of my boys with me! My hubby, my oldest and I had the best time ever. We were also Joined by our team, The Rainbow Brites.

This was all of us before and after.
A friend of ours started the group, little by little our group grew. We were 20+ not including all the kids. There were probably around 30 of us!
I loved the idea of having my boys there. My son was so excited to get started and get paint all over him.
We didn't take this 5k on to race or time our running abilities, but to have a good time together. After all what's life without a little family fun! So we started off running and not even half way in ,we decided to stroll our way through the color stations, chat with fellow race participants, and and lastly the finish line.
Some of us got together to make tutus, hence the name Rainbow Brites. We also got creative and cut up the provided tshirt we got with registration.
I have many runner friends and family members that always tell to give it a try. So with my hubby cheering me on to do it, and with him even volunteering to run it with me. We took the plunge, together!

My baby got a bit tired in the last mile so daddy stepped up to help his son out.

My baby loved running through all the color stations and spending time with mommy and daddy.
What are you waiting for!? Get moving. Get out there!
We completed the Run or Dye 5k in Houston. Run or Dye Houston benefited the Susan G. Komen foundation. Run or Dye is the most colorful 5k!!